' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2023.]) on 2023.10.07 at 17:33 (Coordinated Universal Time)
' A QB64 program by b+ as found at https://qb64.boards.net/post/1218
' BASIC Anywhere Machine port and mods by Charlie Veniot with the development version of BAM

Option _Explicit
_Title "Drw Strings try clock" 'b+ 2023-10-06
' Draw strings 2.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.9 (B+=MGA) 2017-05-06
'Deluxe draw strings.sdlbas [B+=MGA] 2017-01-03
'translated from:
'v2 turtle strings.bas  SmallBASIC 0.12.2 [B+=MGA] 2016-04-04
'2017-05-08 fixes Box d and e for width and height
' test draw strings fixed for arc

'                   Commands Set
'Note all commands are a letter for function followed by number n

'commands pn -1 to 15, 0-15 are QB colors,  -1 is pen up

'command xn set absolute screen coordinate for turtle x

'command yn set absolute screen coordinate for turtle y

'command gn move turtle relative to its current x position
'        + n = right, -n = left (pneumonic g for go!)

'command hn move turtle relative to its current y position
'        + n down?, -n up?  depends which way the angle is set
'        (pnuemonic h follows g like y follows x)

'command fn draws at current ta angle a distance of n
'        (pnuemonic f is for forward use -n for back)

'command an sets angle or heading of turtle
'        (pnuemonic a is for angle (degrees)
'        0 degrees is true North or 12 o'clock)

'command tn (turns) t=right n degrees when positive
'        and turn left n degrees when negative

'v2 2016-04-05 the great and powerful repeat uses recursive sub

'command rn repeat drawstrings n amount of times

'command tv for setting a turtle var probably need another

'add 2 more commands for setting and incrementing the tv variable

'command sn will set tv at n value

'command in will increment tv with n value

'Deluxe draw strings 2017-01-03
' draw filled box  current tx, ty is one corner

'command z for pen siZe radius to draw thick lines

'command dn sets box width

'command en sets box height

'command bn for Box color n = 0 - 15

'command un to set a circle radius

'command cn to draw a filled circle of color n = 0 - 15

'command jn to set the arc deg angle start

'command kn to set the arc deg angle end

'command ln draw arc color n = 0 - 15

'turtle globals should you translate to another dialect
Dim Shared As Long tx, ty, tx2, ty2, tr, tc
Dim Shared scale, taStart, taStop, ta, tv, tz
scale = 1

Screen _NewImage(600, 600, 12) ' 16 color setting


Dim h, m, s, ha, ma, sa

DECLARE Sub repete (tts$, times)
DECLARE Sub tt (tString$)


    'clock square frame, round face dots on perimeter
    tt ("a0")
    tt ("z1p-1x300y300d500e500b7d480e480b8u220c15y100t105")
    tt ("r12f103t30u5c0u3c8")

    m = Val(Mid$(Time$, 4, 2))
    h = Val(Mid$(Time$, 1, 2)) + m / 60
    s = Val(Mid$(Time$, 7, 2))
    If h > 12 Then h = h - 12
    'Print h, m, s

    ha = h * 360 / 12
    ma = m * 360 / 60
    sa = s * 360 / 60
    'Print ha, ma, sa

    'hour hand
    tt ("p-1a0x300y300t" + Str$(ha) + "p4z12f100")
    'minute hand
    tt ("p-1a0x300y300t" + Str$(ma) + "p0z7f180")
    'second hand
    tt ("p-1a0x300y300t" + Str$(sa) + "p7z3f180")

    ' _Limit 10
Loop ' Until _KeyDown(27)

'===================== turtle drawing subs

Sub tt (tString$)
    Dim cmd$, ds$, c$, tst$
    Dim As Long i, across, down, j
    Dim d, dx, dy, stepper, lngth, aa
    Dim As BYTE bNoAbort
    tString$ = UCase$(tString$)
    cmd$ = "": ds$ = ""
    i = 1
    bNoAbort = TRUE
    WHILE i <= Len(tString$) AND bNoAbort
        c$ = Mid$(tString$, i, 1)
        If c$ = "V" Then ds$ = Str$(tv)
        If InStr("0123456789.-", c$) Then ds$ = ds$ + c$
        If InStr("ABCDEFGHIJKLPRSTUXYZ", c$) Or i = Len(tString$) Then
            'execute last cmd$ if one
            If cmd$ <> "" Then
                d = Val(ds$)
                Select Case cmd$
                    Case "G": tx = tx + d 'move relative to tx, ty
                    Case "H": ty = ty + d
                    Case "X": tx = d 'move to absolute screen x, y
                    Case "Y": ty = d
                    Case "D": tx2 = d '2nd corner box relative to tx
                    Case "E": ty2 = d '2nd corner box relative to ty
                    Case "J": taStart = d 'arc start angle
                    Case "K": taStop = d 'arc stop angle
                    Case "P": tc = d 'pen to qb color, -1 no pen
                    Case "Z": tz = d 'pen size
                    Case "A": ta = d 'set angle
                    Case "T": ta = ta + d 'change angle - = left, + = right
                    Case "U": tr = d 'set radius for circle (R used for repeat)
                    Case "I": tv = tv + d 'increment variable
                    Case "S": tv = d 'set or reset variable
                    Case "R" ' repeat calls out for another call to tt
                        tst$ = Mid$(tString$, i) ' this assumes the rest of the string
                        repete (tst$, d)
                        bNoAbort = FALSE
                    Case "F" 'Forward d distance according to angle ta
                        across = scale * d * Cos(_D2R(ta - 90))
                        down = scale * d * Sin(_D2R(ta - 90))
                        If tc > -1 Then
                            Color tc
                            If tz <= 1 Then
                                Line (tx, ty)-(tx + across, ty + down)
                                lngth = ((across) ^ 2 + (down) ^ 2) ^ .5
                                If lngth Then
                                    dx = across / lngth: dy = down / lngth
                                    For j = 0 To lngth
                                        CIRCLE (tx + dx * j, ty + dy * j), tz
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                        tx = tx + across: ty = ty + down 'update turtle position
                    Case "B"
                        Color d
                        Line (tx - tx2 / 2, ty - ty2 / 2)-(tx + tx2 / 2, ty + ty2 / 2), , BF
                    Case "C"
                        Color d
                        CIRCLE (tx, ty), tr, , , , ,F
                    Case "L" 'arc ld u sets radius, j and k set start and end angle
                        If tc > -1 Then
                            Color d
                            stepper = 1 / (3 * _Pi * tr)
                            For aa = taStart To taStop Step stepper
                                dx = tr * Cos(_D2R(aa))
                                dy = tr * Sin(_D2R(aa))
                                If tz < 1 Then
                                    PSet (tx + dx, ty + dy)
                                    CIRCLE (tx + dx, ty + dy), tz
                                End If
                        End If
                End Select
                IF bNoAbort THEN ds$ = "": cmd$ = "" 'reset for next build of ds$ and cmd$
            End If
            IF bNoAbort THEN cmd$ = c$
        End If
        i = i + 1
End Sub

Sub repete (tts$, times)
    Dim As Long i
    For i = 1 To times
        tt (tts$)
End Sub